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Choose ELEMENTS for intelligent and practical Environment and Safety solutions

Elements Network Inc. (ELEMENTS) was founded in 1999.  Our philosophy is to provide high quality, affordable environmental and safety services  which are results and solutions oriented.

ELEMENTS applies common sense, intelligence and experience to resolving all types of environmental and safety issues. Protecting the environment does not have to be complicated.

Need some help with EHS including: EHS Compliance tools (i.e. standards, procedures, guides, data management, training); regulatory compliance (i.e. NEB, provincial environmental agencies); and other practical, sustainable; compliance with ISNetworld and cost effective means of conducting due diligent  EHS tasks?

The Elements Team has the experience, wisdom and capability to provide you with realistic and practical means to fulfilling your EHS commitments.   Especially in these times, you don't have to settle for exorbitant rates, poor quality and a lack of solutions to managing your EHS responsibilities. 

Environmental Monitoring

Regulary Compliance

Environmental Operations Guides & Manuals

Right-of-way Management


Reclamation & Restoration

Environmental Assessments

Incident Assessment  & Corrective Action

Project Management

Audits and Inspections

Planning and Design

Safety Plans

Regulatory Management of First Nations Projects

Contaminant Management

Monitoring & Sampling Services

Stakeholder Engagement  & Consultation


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